The Blog
So many words, so little time.

Living a Happy (and Easy) Alfresco Life
Living a Happy (and Easy) Alfresco Life

Just because school’s out for summer, it doesn’t mean pop quizzes are on vacation, too. As they say, if you’re not green and growing, it means you’re ripe and rotting, right?! You shall not rot on my watch this summer (more than you already are, you slowly decaying corpse-in-the-making, you). Memento mori, baby!! So let’s...

Equanimity: Your New Favorite Emotion
Equanimity: Your New Favorite Emotion

First of all, no one really knows what equanimity is, so let me save you from having to Google it: Equanimity is defined by contemplative science researchers as “an even-minded mental state or dispositional tendency toward all experiences or objects, regardless of their affective valence (pleasant, unpleasant or neutral) or source.” Said less science-ey, it’s...

Lessons Learned From a (Partial) TV Detox
Lessons Learned From a (Partial) TV-Detox

Me: “I have an amazing idea! How about we do a total TV detox for a month? Like, give it up completely?” The Husband: (*conspicuous silence*) The first offer in a negotiation is rarely accepted. So we agreed on a Monday-to-Thursday no-TV-for-one-month life together, which was a Big Household Decision. We are TV (and movie)...

When in Doubt, Smile it Out
When in Doubt, Smile it Out

Don’t you love happiness hacks? Cheap ‘n cheerful . . . down ‘n dirty . . . easy peasy lemon squeezy . . . any relatively effortless way to feel happier: count us in, right? Life—in addition to being annoyingly temporary (had to throw that one in there!)—is unpredictable and fickle. We wouldn’t be wrong...

The Three Fears of Death: Let’s Fix Yours
The Three Fears of Death: Let’s Fix Yours

Let’s talk today about our second most popular thing to fear! (Number one is speaking in public; most people would rather die than talk in front of other humans.) Death is apparently a pretty unpopular topic for everyone other than me (and the Grim Reaper). Being annihilated from the surface of the earth isn’t a...

You and Your Dead Cells
You Were Born to Reinvent Yourself, Again and Again

Where are you on the Life Edit Scale—ranging from “Mild pontification of minor life changes” alllllll the way over to the “Detonate my life in a three-sticks-of-dynamite-kind-of-way”? Whether you’re thinking about starting to think about tweaks here and there, or whether you’re yearning to enter the Witness Protection Program for a full-scale life start-over (OMG...

Do You Have “Healthy Impulsivity”?
Do You Have “Healthy Impulsivity”?

I’ve been trying to convince people of several things for years now—like how they really need to make an all-red bag over there at the Skittles factory (because life’s too short to waste our precious Mondays sifting through the yellow ones). I’ve been on a soapbox about other meaningful matters, too, including but not limited...

Five Ways to Have Your Bestest Summer Ever
Five Ways to Have Your Bestest Summer Ever

Summer! It’s happening on June 21st! The season of our dreams is (almost) here for the taking and it’s up to us to not screw it up. We’ve spoken here about whether to savor or squander it (the answer’s obvious), and remember that time back in 2020 when we spoke about not ruining the longest...

The Power of Rekindling Your Good Intentions
The Power of Rekindling Your Good Intentions

Good intentions: we all know a thing or two about those little buggers, don’t we? Something about a road to hell? Yes (*heavy sigh*). We’ve all paved a few miles on the road to our fiery futures. I’m less concerned about our well-paved roads to hell than I am about the emotional cost of our...

How “Psychologically Rich” Are You?
How “Psychologically Rich” Are You?

Once upon a very long time, well-being scientists agreed that “the good life” was comprised of both a happy life and a meaningful life. And then a few of those psychologists went off and did psilocybin or something, and came back from their trip with Revolutionary and Important Insights About Life (God I love it...

How to Build a Better Bucket List
How to Build a Better Bucket List

We all know about the Bucket List—the wish list of things we long to do before we kick the bucket. It’s the considerably more fun version of the will, which is our to-do list after the bucket has been kicked. Sit down and write a will? That’s distasteful. Sit down and write a Bucket List?...

I Got a Book Deal!!! (And Here’s the WIFM for You...)
I Got a Book Deal!!! (And Here’s the WIFM for You…)

Did you feel a tremble in the earth the other day? Sort of like an earthquake but way less ominous? That was probably from me, gawkily jumping up and down and making the high-pitched “squeeee” sound . . . because HOLY SHIT! I got a book deal! I did it! I’m going to have a...


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