The Blog
So many words, so little time.

Are You Celebrating “Found Time”?
Are You Celebrating “Found Time”?

Pop quiz! Let’s say you have a meeting on your busybusybusy calendar that gets cancelled at the last minute. You are faced with the delicious dilemma of What on Earth to Do with this Found Time. What do you do? A) Answer emails/ messages B) Scroll mindlessly through social media C) Do something that brings...

How Scarcity Can Help Us Live Like We Mean It
How Scarcity Can Help Us Live Like We Mean It

As a coach whose brain has been filled to the brim with all things positive psychology, my antennae are perked up on high alert when scarcity is used as a motivator instead of pom-pom wielding encouragement about all! sorts! of! exuberant! abundance! Unless you’re a card-carrying, dyed-in-the-wool pessimist (don’t worry—there’s hope for you yet, even...

The Rest of Your Life (and Death) in a Series of 11 Doodles
The Rest of Your Life (and Death) in a Doodle

You’ve already been made well aware (by me! You’re welcome!) that you’ve got a 4,000-ish runway of Mondays to live this one life you signed up for. If you’re anything like me, you’re hovering around the halfway-to-the-crematorium mark (okay who’s lying: I have less Mondays in front of me than behind me, unless I move...

Getting Motivated by “The Big Finish”
Getting Motivated by “The Big Finish”

I know it’s the start of the year, so we’re all gagging on the “fresh start effect”—research shows how powerful it is to use new beginnings to wipe the slate clean and become the person we want to be with the benefit of a fresh start. But I’m kind of into endings, so ... let’s...

Do This One Thing to Have a Livelier Year
Do This One Thing to Have a Livelier Year

Can I throw a wee little wrench into all the resolution planning you’ve been doing? Oh good, thank you. I was worried you’d be a bit defensive about it. Instead of planning all the things you’re going to do this year...all the ways you’re going to be on, can I aggressively, with teeth bared humbly...

The 2024 Un-Dead Your Life Calendar
The 2024 Un-Dead Your Life Calendar

Congratulations for not dying in 2023! 61 million people weren’t so lucky and ended up...ending. So you won the Life Lottery last year, and I hope you raised a glass of something at New Year's Eve to celebrate Still Being Alive. But wait—we can do better than that, right? Better than “Still Being Alive”? Better...

Taking People for Granted, Still! (Part Two)
Taking People for Granted, Still! (Part Two)

Oh, how we take the people in our lives for granted! I wrote about this topic a few weeks ago and was instantly flooded with your tales of whoops and woe. I touched a nerve and now I want to do it all over again—not entirely because I’m a horrible human, but because it’s helpful...

Are You Noticing Your Life?
Are You Noticing Your Life?

Guess what happens when you mate two of the biggest MVPs in the self-improvement world together? Specifically the heavy hitters of “being present in the moment” and “gratitude,” left alone in a hotel room overnight with a fully stocked minibar? A) A tacky portmanteau named “mindfultude” B) A pernicious STD C) A lovechild called “noticing”...

Give the gift of death!
Give the Gift of Death this Holiday Season!

‘Tis the season to give and receive meaningless gifts built for one purpose: trashing regifting. That hibiscus-banana-Febreeze scented candle you received from Mindy at the office holiday mixer? That puppy has made the rounds before your grubby hands ripped it open. And if you plan on wrapping that monstrosity back up and putting it under...

A True Story of Getting a Second Chance at Life
A True Story of Getting a Second Chance at Life

Get comfy! We’re gathering here for another story time installment of “Darn It, I Almost Died! Phew—I Didn’t.” (We might need to workshop that title.) This is a doozie of a true story from a friend of mine. Please pay attention to your feelings as you read about his experience, because I will ask you...

Legacy: How to Live in a Way that Counts for Something
Legacy: How to Live in a Way that Counts for Something

Do you have a fear of being forgotten after you’ve cashed in your chips at the casino table of life? Research reveals that many adults report a fear of obliteration. This comes as no surprise; in about 100 years (or waaay less) for most of us, it’s realistic to surmise that no one will ever...

Do You Have Phantom Life Syndrome?
Do You Have Phantom Life Syndrome?

Surely you’ve heard of phantom limb syndrome? You know—the perception of pain or discomfort in a limb that’s no longer there? Apparently 80% of people with amputated appendages report phantom pain, and it goes something like this: “Oooh, my old tennis elbow is really flaring up today.” “Yeah but Ralph, you don’t have an elbow...


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