Not if — but when — you are unhappy at work, what — if anything — do you do about it? a) Nothing... work is supposed to suck, and then we die. b) I quit... burning all the bridges behind me with strange satisfaction. c) I try to make it right... looking inward first to...
Gratitude. It’s a heavy hitter in the positive psychology world — in fierce competition with optimism as the most scientifically studied well-being construct out there. We’ll let the researchers duke it out in the lab, and in the meantime we’ll all benefit from the abundance of studies that tell us how thankful we need to...
Now that you’ve faced the facts of life that you will, in fact, kick the bucket one day, we can shift to the practical topic of what to actually do with yourself once you’ve expired. Statistically speaking, more than half of you will opt for the cremation route when it’s “your time,” so if you’re...
The facts of life when we’re kids are pretty tame compared to the facts of life for adults. As kids we learn about the birds and the bees who get to fly around and make whoopee all day (hopefully not with each other — those poor bees), whereas the adult facts of life are a...
Admit it — you got sucked in by the f-word. Fear. Dogs can smell it on you, and so can I. It’s not really hard to do — not much of a parlor trick at all, really (bucket list item #340: come up with a parlor trick before I die). You don’t need to be...
When are you at your best in the day? Pick the best answer that applies to your life: a) I’m a morning person b) I’m a night owl c) I’m amazingly productive all day + night long d) I never really manage to click into gear at all e) I don’t know; is that bad?...
Spring, as a season, needs a little PR help. Budding tulips and the smell of hope in the air are great and all, but spring has problems. Not only do we lose an hour of sleep, but we’re also supposed to do the one thing we like less than root canal: clean. Spring cleaning is...
First things first: where do you fall on my highly scientific Distance-to-Death Scale? Are you old? And how would you know — does it have more to do with how you look, feel, or how you’re perceived by others? At what age are you no longer a spring chicken? (I haven’t been called one in...