The Blog
So many words, so little time.

Savor Summer, Don't Squander It
How to Savor Summer, Not Squander It

So here we are in August, and summer, like us, isn’t getting any younger. Here’s a pop quiz to determine where you sit on the continuum of savoring <———> squandering the most sacred season of all. What statement sounds most like you? “Summer is slipping through my fingers, like grains of sand at the beach...

Great Reads on Living and Dying
Great Reads on Living and Dying

If you, too, have a small (and when I say small, I mean significant) problem with buying more books than you will ever live long enough to be able to read, then I’m about to make your problem worse. But it’s a pretty decent problem to have, right? The stack of books beside your bed...

How to Die a Successful Death
How to Die a Successful Death

Let’s face it: we are all headed for the same place (well, that’s not entirely true — some of you will burn in the flaming embers of hell for all of eternity — fingers crossed I don’t see you there), and we can either do this Totally Inevitable Death thing like gold medalists, or do...

Prison Wishlist
How Prison Can Free You Up to Live

It might be because we watch a lot of prison shows, but I think a lot about what it would be like to be locked up. Would they serve me gluten-free food in the joint? Would I get to use the satin pillowcases I’ve grown quite fond of? What would it take to get the...

Regrets: Your Secret to a Well-Lived Life
Regrets: Your Secret to a Well-Lived Life

Of all the things I fear (spiders, needles, people seeing my toes, rejection... the list goes on but I’ll spare you the gory details here), regrets are what strike the very most fear into my chickenhearted soul. I have a not-inconsequential sense of mortal dread about getting to the end and feeling ruefully disappointed —...

How to Un-Dead Your Life Part 3
How to Un-Dead Your Life (Part 3 of 3)

This is it, friends. We made it to the final installment of “ways to start living as though you gave a shit were actually alive,” and I’m not going to lie to you. I’m feeling a little hyped up over here. We covered a lot of bases (well, three, to be exact) in Part 1...

How to Un-Dead Your Life — Part 2
How to Un-Dead Your Life (Part 2 of 3)

You’re the right person to be reading this article if: You just can’t get enough out of life. You’re the “suck all the marrow out of life” kind of person, and while you’re probably annoying everyone in the wake of your new recipes and travels and articles and hard to pronounce new workouts, you’re always...

How to Un-Dead Your Life
How to Un-Dead Your Life (Part 1 of 3)

Looking to live a livelier version of your life, now that the stranglehold of COVID is feeling a little less strangle-ey? Yeah, me too. So I consulted science on the matter and whittled the research down to the best of the best ways to un-dead ourselves. As a refresher, we’re talking about vitality here —...

Are You Living the Full Width of Your Life?
Are You Living the Full Width of Your Life?

Where would you plot yourself on this highly scientific vitality spectrum? Do you ever come across a quote so soul-stirring that it inexplicably jumps off the page, grabs you by the shoulders and slaps you in the face? In a good, “wake up to your life” kind of way? Here’s a personal favorite I’d like...

Career Breaking Points
What is Your Career Breaking Point?

Not if — but when — you are unhappy at work, what — if anything — do you do about it? a) Nothing... work is supposed to suck, and then we die. b) I quit... burning all the bridges behind me with strange satisfaction. c) I try to make it right... looking inward first to...

The Appreciation Scale
How (Un)Appreciative Are You? 55 Ways to Tell.

Gratitude. It’s a heavy hitter in the positive psychology world — in fierce competition with optimism as the most scientifically studied well-being construct out there. We’ll let the researchers duke it out in the lab, and in the meantime we’ll all benefit from the abundance of studies that tell us how thankful we need to...

Top Six Things that are Snuffing the Vitality Out of You
The Top Six Things that are Snuffing the Vitality Out of You

Let’s be clear on a few things before we get to today’s little listicle: Vitality is defined as a positive sense of aliveness and energy. Some call it our health of spirit which just sounds cool, right? This subjective feeling of aliveness is a big deal for our personal well-being, because the polar opposite sure...


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