We just had a blue moon on October 31st– which is the second of two full moons in a single calendar month– and unless you’re into astronomy or witchcraft, you probably didn’t notice or care. I’m not trying to make you care about this luminary spectacle, but I do want you to care about your...
Over 2,500,000 years of potential life have been snuffed out of the people who have died prematurely from Covid-19 in the US, according to a recent study. The calculation involves 200,000 people dying, complicated actuarial data on life expectancies, and this calculation that made me regret going deep into the bowels of the study: Complicated...
We've already spoken about the 9 ways you are boring yourself to death, slowly but surely, during our global pandemic. Before this topic of boredom thoroughly bores you, I have something else to share with you about habits (you know, the things you think successful and highly effective people have more of than you do)....
Details on the 9 ways boredom is killing you, slowly, during our global pandemic: 1. You slipped into autopilot and the plane is crashing. Are you in a walking corona-coma? You made choices about your lifestyle that you didn’t know you were making this spring, because you were held hostage by COVID and probably had...
We already know that Covid has changed our lives in remarkable ways. I won’t bore you with those details— you’re already well aware that you’re working from your dining room table, home schooling people you love but wish were out of your home for most of the work week, and eating way too many Twinkies*....
It’s the last full day of summer 2020, and so you know what this means. I’m going to force you to think about your death. I know, I know. This has the potential to be a total buzzkill, but you know by now that there is an uplifting, life-affirming moral to every demoralizing story I...
(The answer is probably going to be yes, FYI.) I've been waxing metaphoric as of late about how COVID-19 has been a wake-up call for us to start living on purpose. With a stark reminder — of global proportions — that life is short, many of us have been motivated to start participating in life...
“Some people die at 25 and aren’t buried until 75,” said Ben Franklin, who then went out, all zesty for life, and became a founding father of the country (and found himself firmly emblazoned on the $100 bill). Nietzsche likely wasn’t thinking of him when he said, “Man is the only animal that has to...
Somewhere along the way I’ve gotten myself obsessed with death – less to do with me being morbid and creepy and more to do with my even greater obsession with living. Not just living with a little “l,” though; Living with a big “L.” Little “l” living is us in that comfort zone that’s so...
Words of wisdom for all you closet creatives. One of the best highlights of the year (other than gluten-free Oreos hitting the market) (oh, and vaccines) has been the serendipitous gift of working with a bunch of clients who on the outside are “Successful Business People,” and on the inside are “Supremely Talented Creative Types.” People...
Oh, and I do mean in total. In the life you’re living right now. I’m looking at 1,981 Mondays if I end up living an exceptionally average life. (Women have until 81 to RIP, on average; men, you have until 76– sorry. FYI, my finances and hopes are budgeting for a longer life than that.)...