Meet Amanda... stagnant and scared

Amanda described her life as “stagnant and stale,” and admitted that she was in a comfort zone that wasn’t so comfortable anymore. She was bored– dying a minute amount each day– but felt stuck and afraid to make changes that might let her feel more alive.

She was in a 15-year relationship that she described as “fine.” She loved her partner, but was bored and felt they weren’t making an effort to keep their relationship alive. She needed to take her relationship off autopilot mode, and gain the clarity of what that even meant to her.

Autopilot plane
Amanda had worked at her current organization for 17 years, and had been feeling like a robot for at least the last five. She was good at her job, was well-liked, but was pining for more growth, excitement, and challenge. She needed clarity and confidence to make even the smallest tweaks moving forward.

One of the earliest a-ha’s in Amanda’s coaching program was that she was out of touch with what she even wanted– what could make her happy and fulfilled. We took a deep dive into the areas that gave her meaning, made her laugh, made her feel energized and alive again. She had gotten so entrenched in her routines and habits that she had tuned out what might add depth and width to her life.

Amanda was an all-or-nothing kind of thinker and was afraid she’d have to overhaul her entire life for a chance at feeling alive. We busted that myth in a hurry. Seeing the impact that just one creative date night a month could have on her relationship– a totally manageable thing, right?– helped her reframe how much change was really needed in her life.

All or nothing thinking

Reinvigorating her career initially felt daunting for Amanda, but exercises in our program helped her to see several options that put her firmly in control. She initially explored ways to take on more responsibility at her current job, and when that fizzled, Amanda had built the awareness and confidence in her skills, talents, and personal development plan to make an empowered decision to look for an external role. We developed a customized action plan to help her expand her network, learn about roles she didn’t even know existed, and connect with dozens of people who ultimately helped her land a new job. She’s drinking from the firehose of knowledge at her new company, finally challenged again in all the right ways, and  poised for growth.

Shifting out of her comfort zones– with coaching, support and encouragement– took Allison from a self-reported 5.5/10 life to an 8.5/10 life. Game. Changing. Stuff.

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