Spring, as a season, needs a little PR help. Budding tulips and the smell of hope in the air are great and all, but spring has problems. Not only do we lose an hour of sleep, but we’re also supposed to do the one thing we like less than root canal: clean. Spring cleaning is...
First things first: where do you fall on my highly scientific Distance-to-Death Scale? Are you old? And how would you know — does it have more to do with how you look, feel, or how you’re perceived by others? At what age are you no longer a spring chicken? (I haven’t been called one in...
On the weekend after daylight savings robbed us of an hour of our lives, I thought it would be appropriate to talk about all the other things we might have to lose in our lives. Let’s keep this morbid bitching and moaning party going! No, this won’t be a pity party. Psychologists say this kind...
There are things we know by now as adults, right? Like how we’re supposed to replace the word “but” with “and” in conversations (if we care at all about being socially intelligent)... like how we all know by now to not leave the tap running while we brush our teeth (like we did with reckless...
Pausing amidst the whirlwind of life to ask yourself what you actually think about your life is kind of a best practice for people who want to make the most of their time before they die. We’re all ticking timebombs, so shall we get on with these little assessments, and then the business of building...
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