So here we are in August, and summer, like us, isn’t getting any younger. Here’s a pop quiz to determine where you sit on the continuum of savoring <———> squandering the most sacred season of all. What statement sounds most like you? “Summer is slipping through my fingers, like grains of sand at the beach...
If you, too, have a small (and when I say small, I mean significant) problem with buying more books than you will ever live long enough to be able to read, then I’m about to make your problem worse. But it’s a pretty decent problem to have, right? The stack of books beside your bed...
Not if — but when — you are unhappy at work, what — if anything — do you do about it? a) Nothing... work is supposed to suck, and then we die. b) I quit... burning all the bridges behind me with strange satisfaction. c) I try to make it right... looking inward first to...