Workshops + Keynotes
Ready for a profoundly motivational
wake-up call?
For when your organization or group is ready for a refreshing, inspiring kick in the pants… my empirically based workshops and keynotes are powerfully moving, motivationally contagious, and always lead to action.
READ MOREOnline Course
For when you want big life results
on your own time.
A step-by-step guide to living the version of your life that you’ve been fantasizing about: from the initial assessments to the minute “how-to” details– this is the at-your-own-pace, 12-module program you’ve been waiting for to live wider and deeper.
READ MOREOne-on-One Coaching
One-on-one coaching with me
is kind of extraordinary.
Having a coach is profoundly impactful when you want to design and live a pretty fantastic life at work and beyond… especially when it involves making changes to the life you’re currently living. I can help you commit to your life.
READ MOREMemento Mori Retreats
Because you just need to shake things up sometimes.
In like a five-star, life-enhancing (and often life-transforming) kind of way. Picture a reset button being pressed on your life, even when the getaway is virtual from the comfort of home. Epiphanies guaranteed.
READ MORE6 Reasons We Should Probably Work Together

A big word to say that you aren't getting any younger. Your life matters and we need to make it an urgent priority. Now actually is the time. I'm here to help you prioritize yourself.

You know you want and need more, even if you're not exactly sure of what (let alone how). If anything you've read here clicks with you, I think we need to talk. I can help.

I do this for a living– helping people get unstuck and achieve better well-being– and I am proud to say that I do it well. Years of experience matters so you know you're in good hands.

You know better than to trust a program that isn't grounded in science. I take my empirically-backed education seriously, and that's good news for you. I apply the research to help make your life better.

Fully participating in a life you're proud of might involve small edits (like rekindling hobbies or friendships) or bigger transformations (like changing your career or lifestyle). I help demystify it.

The F-Word (Fun)
If we can't have fun with this then why are we even bothering? Work with me if you like to laugh, especially at yourself (and likely me). This is going to be almost alarmingly amusing.
A few philosophical thoughts...
I dare us to look at death in its eyes (or maybe just its distant shadow)– from the safety and comfort of working with me.
Helping people enjoy their lives while they are above ground—by creatively playing with the harsh reality that it’s just a matter of time that we’re below ground—connects me to a cause so deep that I can’t not share it with others. Poking and prodding at the absurdity of it all, the mystery of this shared human experience of racing towards the inevitable finish that we too-often avoid talking about… how can you not join me in that fun?

It might just take one small change in how we’re doing this thing called living to escape the disenchantment of regret.
I want us to pay fierce attention to our dreams and hopes, whether they be giant or tiny– to care for them, nurture them, honor them. I want to help us live with astonishing aliveness in stark juxtaposition to the finality of death. Let’s figure out what it means for you to be even just a little more alive.

What’s so special about Jodi? Well, everything. Without embellishment, I can say that Jodi has been the single-most committed partner to my success I’ve ever had. She isolates every goal, struggle and challenge you communicate, and puts tons of passion into helping you achieve success in each area you commit to making a change.
Becka, President + CEO
Working with Jodi has been transformative and life-changing. I was at a crossroads in my leadership career at a world-class financial services company. Jodi helped me self-discover my true passions and goals and worked with me on developing a blueprint to focus only on what was essential to achieve these goals.
Monica, VP of Investments
Thank you for your guidance, the birds-eye view, and the nudge and push you gave me to make my consulting and speaking business happen. Lots has grown since our coaching, but I’ve never looked back. Still a ways to go, but I’ve definitely found a groove, a team, and built a reputable $500k+ business. I truly appreciate your coaching!
Fahd, Millennial Workplace ExpertREADY TO CONNECT?
I’d love to talk about your life. Click below to contact me, and while you’re at it, sign up for weekly inspiration hand-delivered to your doorstep… or maybe just your inbox.