Oh, how we take the people in our lives for granted! I wrote about this topic a few weeks ago and was instantly flooded with your tales of whoops and woe. I touched a nerve and now I want to do it all over again—not entirely because I’m a horrible human, but because it’s helpful...
Guess what happens when you mate two of the biggest MVPs in the self-improvement world together? Specifically the heavy hitters of “being present in the moment” and “gratitude,” left alone in a hotel room overnight with a fully stocked minibar? A) A tacky portmanteau named “mindfultude” B) A pernicious STD C) A lovechild called “noticing”...
‘Tis the season to give and receive meaningless gifts built for one purpose: trashing regifting. That hibiscus-banana-Febreeze scented candle you received from Mindy at the office holiday mixer? That puppy has made the rounds before your grubby hands ripped it open. And if you plan on wrapping that monstrosity back up and putting it under...
Get comfy! We’re gathering here for another story time installment of “Darn It, I Almost Died! Phew—I Didn’t.” (We might need to workshop that title.) This is a doozie of a true story from a friend of mine. Please pay attention to your feelings as you read about his experience, because I will ask you...
Do you have a fear of being forgotten after you’ve cashed in your chips at the casino table of life? Research reveals that many adults report a fear of obliteration. This comes as no surprise; in about 100 years (or waaay less) for most of us, it’s realistic to surmise that no one will ever...
Surely you’ve heard of phantom limb syndrome? You know—the perception of pain or discomfort in a limb that’s no longer there? Apparently 80% of people with amputated appendages report phantom pain, and it goes something like this: “Oooh, my old tennis elbow is really flaring up today.” “Yeah but Ralph, you don’t have an elbow...
It’s True or False time! True or False: You put off calling/ Zooming/ visiting an old friend/ boss/ mentor/ family member because you assume you can just connect with them “later.” If you answered True, you are so fabulously human, and we shall bond in our gory take-things-for-granted humanity together here. We suck, but we...
You know there are different kinds of regrets, right? Different flavors of “ugh,” if you will. Exhibit 1.0: "The Regret Coiff" There are regrets of commission: stupid things we said or did that we wish we hadn’t (like my hair in grade nine; see exhibit 1.0) These regrets tend to fade over time as we...
I did a decidedly weird thing when my Grandmother was 100: I sat down and interviewed her, right there in the dining room of her retirement home, with my voice memo app recording her answers to my ~748 questions over a soft-foods lunch. She handled the interrogation interview like a champ! We all knew she...
In the “‘tis the season to feel grateful” spirit, let’s serve up a gravy-soaked story of gratitude. (I had you at gravy, didn’t I?) I’ve thought a lot about this story—and not just because I spend so many of my hours writing/ talking/ daydreaming/ actually dreaming about the power of our mortality. My hope is...
Hello Fellow Lifers (i.e.: us folks interested in living before dying), I told you a few months ago about Landing The Book Deal, and you might recall I was on the verge of peeing my pants at that time. I am all too pleased to announce that there is more pants-peeing news to share! You...
You’ve seen this in every near-death-experience movie scene ever made: “It’s like my life flashed before my eyes,” declares the befuddled woman whose heart stopped for three minutes before being resuscitated. (This same baffled woman also saw a light at the end of the tunnel and felt like she was floating above her hospital gurney,...