The Blog
So many words, so little time.

The YODO Brownie Recipe!
The Life-Changing Brownie Recipe from My Book

Brownies make our 4,000-ish Mondays on the planet better. There, I said it. I mention these brownies 12 times in my book, You Only Die Once: How to Make It to the End with No Regrets, so that's like every 29 pages. (Now that I think about it, that's just not frequent enough. It should...

Do You Know Your 20,000th Birthday?
Do You Know Your 20,000th Day Birthday?

Don’t you love it when you run into people (almost) as crazy as you? Crazy in the same crazy ways? I love it when I come across folks as interested in this mortality mentality as I am ... and the good news is that there are a lot of us out there. (Necrophiliac? You can...

I Will Never Eat at Golden Corral Buffet. Grief or Relief?
I Will Never Eat at Golden Corral Buffet. Grief or Relief?

You play the “Will We Ever” game with your significant other too, right? Or the single version—the “Will I Ever” game? After watching season two of White Lotus: “Will we ever visit Sicily?” Flipping through the pages of Bon Appétit magazine: “Will I ever go to the trouble of soaking lentils? Instead of just buying...

How’s 2024 Going ... 100 Days In?
How’s 2024 Going … 100 Days In?

Here we are, 100 days into this calendar year of your life, and if you’re anything like me you look like you were just slapped in the face. “Already?” you ask with incredulity. It feels like it was just last week that you were falling asleep at 9:45 pm on New Year’s Eve. Where did...

(Harsh) Life Lessons Learned from a Bald Eagles’ Nest
(Harsh) Life Lessons Learned from a Bald Eagles’ Nest

I have been on emotional roller coaster for the last six weeks and it’s all because of bald eagles. Two of them: Jackie and Shadow, perched high above Big Bear Lake in their sturdy but rather uncomfortable looking nest. Thanks to a 24-hour a day live camera feed on YouTube, we get to see these...

Swedish Death Cleaning: It’s Time
Swedish Death Cleaning: Clean Before you Croak

Let’s talk today about two of our very favorite subjects: death and cleaning! (This conversation could only be made better if we added taxes to the agenda. Okay that and maybe also colonoscopies, but I’m losing you so let’s just stick with death and cleaning.) You’ve heard of Swedish Death Cleaning, right? The thoughtful process...

Lucky to Be Alive: A True Story
Lucky to Be Alive: A True Story

Picture a nine year old boy in his family garage—so curious!—toying around with a bit of gasoline and the enticement of fire. I can see your face; you know what happened next in this story, don't you? This kid was John O’Leary, who unwittingly created an explosion that burned 100% of his body. Odds were...

Rookie Energy: Are You Tapping into It?
Rookie Energy: Are You Tapping into It?

Admit it: you’d rather not be called a rookie. A convicted felon? Better than being called a rookie. A narcissistic psychopath? Still better. A “how to run a successful puppy mill” mentor? You get the point. Why is the rookie label so distasteful? Because in our know-it-all knowledge economy, nestled within our GO-GO-GO-GET-‘ER-DONE society, We...

Money: The Best Existential Drug of Choice
Money: The Best Existential Drug of Choice

Humans. We think we’re so damned smart, don’t we? Most of us are idiots—present company ruefully included—but there’s one rather problematic area where we actually are so damned smart: We’re acutely aware that we’re going to die. We know we’re ticking time bombs ... that we’re finite ... that we’re—brace yourself—FRAGILE. And that doesn’t tend...

8 Ways to Calculate Your Life Expectancy
8 Ways to Calculate Your Life Expectancy

Last week we spoke about the tangly questions of “when do you think you’ll live to” vs. “when do you think you’ll die by.” We had a blast! Regardless of how the questions are framed, all roads seem to lead to death. We can tinker with the wording, but the truth is out there waiting...

How to (Sort of) Gain 8.68 Years of Life
How to (Sort of) Gain 8.68 Years of Life

If, hypothetically (i.e.: right here, right now), I asked you, "When do you think you’ll live to?”, what would you say? What if I asked the question slightly differently, like, “When do you think you’ll die by?”—would that have elicited a different answer? How do you think most people answer these two different questions? Please hold...

What’s Your Kiss of Death (out of 50 Vices)?
What’s Your Kiss of Death (out of these 56 Vices)?

Because it’s February and the stench of love is lingering in the air, I thought we’d talk a bit about kisses of death (i.e., the ways we are slowly but surely killing ourselves limiting our lifespans &/or wrecking our lives while we’re fortunate to still have lives to wreck). I know, I know...I’m a hopeless...


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