43 Ways to Live Forever, Almost

Who isn’t angling for a few more years above ground?

Anatole France wisely said, “The average man does not know what to do with this life, yet wants another one which will last forever” — and I dare you to tell me that’s not at least 76% true for you.

Life in Your Years Chart

Today we’re diving into “how to add more years to your life” and not so much the “how to add more life in your years” part of the flipchart, so if that upsets you enormously then check out pretty much everything else I’ve ever written for tutelage on living a jacked-up life.

The science is real, friends, and I’m here today to focus on “proven” ways to stuff more years into the lives we’ve got. Extending our lives is something we actually can control… in a world that’s wildly uncontrollable.

Because you want to live to see another day/ decade, read on. And snack on some nuts while you’re at it; they say if you consume at least three servings of nuts per week, you’ll have a 39% lower risk of premature death. I wonder if chocolate covered almonds count?

Click here for the PDF –> 43 Ways to Live Forever, Almost

Floss for Life!

Jodi Wellman
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