You’ve already been made well aware (by me! You’re welcome!) that you’ve got a 4,000-ish runway of Mondays to live this one life you signed up for. If you’re anything like me, you’re hovering around the halfway-to-the-crematorium mark (okay who’s lying: I have less Mondays in front of me than behind me, unless I move to a Blue Zone and start eating way less Skittles). Time, as you’ve been informed, is ticking like a mofo and has no plans to stop until you’re in an ashes-to-ashes, dust-to-dust situation.
But wait! Before you slit your wrists, check out my Delightful Death Doodle to put your remaining breaths in perspective. I promise it’ll be more motivating than morbid—and if you disagree, you can totally ask me for your money back.
You’ve got about 4,000 Mondays.
You’ve probably used up a shit ton of them—unless you’re under 18 (and if you are under 18, sorry about the language! Now go fuck off and do your homework.).
Let’s look at that block of remaining time…
You will snooze away about 36% of it.
You’ll work for about 20% of it (at least until you retire; whatever retirement even means anymore?).
You’ll spend 18% of your time in “relaxation and leisure” activities (which is really code for “scrolling screen time,” right?).
You’ll spend 10% of that time messing around with household activities.
You’ll spend about 10% of that looking after kids (if you own them).
You’ll socialize for about 7% of that time.
You’ll consume about 5% of your time eating and drinking.
You’ll spend about 2% of your time commuting to work.
And then you will die.
Holy shittlesticks!
“Where did the time go,” you ask?
You’re asking the wrong question. Time—the aforementioned mofo—is going to do its thing and it’s pointless to ask where it went. The more interesting question is, and dare I say WILL ALWAYS BE: “What do I want to do with my remaining time?”
Almost every category above of How You Spend Your Precious Time can be either savored or squandered.
Your hours/ days/ years left of working can be spent at jobs that light you up…or snuff the life out of you.
Your leisure time can be spent doing things that make you feel more alive…or even more dead inside.
Your eating time can be fun again if you spice things up…or bland if you stick to the same-old-same-old Friday fish stix.
You can shape your sleep time into a comfy, lavender-infused “slumber experience” if you take the effort to make it special and not just a toss-and-turn nightly to-do.
You can adjust the dials of your time to spend more of it socializing, for example, in lieu of looking after your kids (hahaha, kidding, mostly) working overtime or languishing on the couch.
Your commute doesn’t have to suck (as much) if you listen to thoughtfully composed playlists…and your housework time doesn’t have to suck (as much) if you call your Dad while you’re washing the windows.
You can choose a Squander-Free Life, one minute of one Monday at a time.
Now let’s get out there and live like we mean it, shall we?

P.S.: Have I told you about upcoming book, You Only Die Once: How to Make It to the End with No Regrets which is now available to preorder? There, I just did!
P.P.S.: Let’s do Instagram together?
P.P.P.S.: Oh and just in case you missed it… I’d love you forever if you took 16 minutes out of your life to watch my TEDx talk!