25 Stories of Your Wonderfully Wee Wins

Every now and then I write something people like 😏.

Some people liked my book! YOU READ IT AND LOVED THE CRAP OUT OF IT, RIGHT?

Some weeks I write a blog post and tumbleweed blows across our backyard here in Palm Springs (I know it’s the desert and all but tumbleweed isn’t indigenous to the golf community we live in, so… 🫠). But other times you nod in earnest agreement with something I’ve typed up, and golly gee do I love hearing about it.

A couple of weeks ago I wrote about celebrating your “Tiny Triumphs”—seemingly small things worth high-fiving yourself for that normally wouldn’t make your “I’m a Resounding Freaking Success” list, but things that feel warm and fuzzy and/or feel like progress towards a bigger thing that matters. And oh! Many of you had thoughts! And feelings! And stories (a.k.a.: examples) about your wee wins.

25 Stories of Your Wonderfully Wee WinsYOU KNOW HOW I LOVE EXAMPLES. I know how YOU love examples, too. So who am I to hoard all the juicy goodness? I might be greedy but I’m not selfish! I loved reading your tales of tiny triumph and because I am a beamingly altruistic human being (*cough*), I am here to share the inspiration with you.

Here is what Real People told me their small wins were, and I all but insist you get inspired by their words, just like I did when I read their emails and Instagram messages with a quickened heartbeat:

  • “My tiny triumph is that I went out even though I didn’t want to. It made me happy and I’m glad I didn’t convince myself not to go.” —BB
  • “I woke up today with a fun idea – to take my family (my non-personal development loving spouse and adult son) to see THE GOONIES (40th anniversary) at our local theater this weekend. Guess what? When I asked them, they both said yes! My heart is so happy, and this is my tiny triumph for today. It’s the little things… Tiny triumphs are SO important. Kind of like the chocolate sauce on a brownie sundae!” —SC
  • “Mine is choosing to use today for nesting. Nothing else. Just me and the dog. A lot of tea. And quiet time. Because solitude is fuel.” —AD
  • “I treated myself to three fancy macarons at the bakery in town. I sat down at a table, took off my coat, put my phone away, and savored every bite.” —TS
  • “I made an appointment for a mammogram, something I’ve been delaying for months.” —DS
  • “I didn’t nag at my son for leaving his cereal bowl on the coffee table. I realized I could nag, and get in a fight, or I could just ignore it and drive him to school in a good mood. What a simple thing.” —HT
  • “Got up early and fasted before blood test. Found the lab (I’m new to the area). Did my ’10 things I’m grateful for’ exercise. Relaxed about getting what I needed you done. Smile to Jodi’s Monday email. Was kind to all I met today. Was a relaxed unhurried driver.” —LS
  • “My tiny triumph is mostly responding (not totally reacting) to persistent power outages over the last several days in our area, and also sitting with a counter proposal that is much lower than my original proposal for a possible presentation.” —JJ
  • “My little win is that I woke up without pressing the snooze button a bunch of times. I’ve been wanting to get up with my alarm and I did it today for the first time. I feel like a champion!” —KR
  • “Up at 500 a.m. so we would be ready for a planned electric outage that may last all day while our electric circuit box is replaced.” —BB
  • “I am proud that I said no to an invitation out for dinner. Normally I’d say yes even though I’m really tired and just need to replenish my energy stores, but this time I was honest and said thank you but I’m wiped. They were cool with it.” —MZ
  • “I have a Tiny Triumph of calling the insurance company to iron out a stupid admin thing that’s been on my plate for months. I’ve been delaying it because it’s annoying and today I just made the call and it was settled in about five minutes.” —SP
  • “I am 66+ years old, for much of my life I have been an athlete, I use that term loosely, well yesterday I received a fitbit and I’m learning how to use it, what it can record etc. Today I plan on going to the track at the college and using the new piece of tech I just got and a new style of walking workout, interval walking, I will begin my continuing fitness journey, it’s supposed to be about 40 degrees today so I’m looking forward to that. I’ve found staying active keeps my head from exploding with all the crap going on in the world, it’s how I stay sane. I’m not sure how it will go with the fb, but it will go.” —KD
  • “I folded the laundry, oh yes I did!” —AB
  • “I lit candles for dinner last night and that made it special. It’s a small thing but it was a gesture I needed to make for my partner.” —RR
  • “I stopped eating from the SweeTARTS box of candy last night after eating about 20 of them.” —AS
  • “I told my wife I was sorry about something I was reluctant to apologize for. It was a smart move.” —RC
  • “My not-so-small-success: I went for a walk. Sounds silly, right? But I haven’t been walking because of a pretty major depressive disorder and this morning I put on my cross trainers and went for a walk around the neighbourhood for about 20 mins. I feel a new lease on life. Terrific triumph.” —BA
  • “I was shopping up a storm online last night and at the last minute I closed the tab. I didn’t really need any of the stuff I was adding to the cart, it was just making me feel good to shop, and I’m so glad I didn’t get to the Purchase screen or I would have spent money I don’t have.” —KS
  • “I clipped my cat’s nails.” —DC
  • “The tiny triumph for me was that I read in bed instead of falling asleep to the TV. I got a whole chapter in!” —MM
  • “I changed the filter in my fridge. I’m unstoppable!” —WH
  • “I smoked three less cigarettes than my usual daily average, and I think I can do it again today.” —LD
  • “I ordered the wedge salad instead of the fries with dinner. I know the wedge isn’t a ‘healthy choice’ but at least it wasn’t fried, which I’m trying to avoid.” —EP
  • “Worked out LAST night after work (I prefer 5am but on Thursdays and Fridays I have to leave home by 6:15 to get to work, and 4:30am is just too pre-fricking-dawn early). Other than that little success? 🤔🤔🤔… didn’t kill certain people, yep, left ’em living to irritate another day.” —TS

What’s your Tiny Triumph for today? Never stop underestimating the impact of the tiniest progress you make. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, just like a life well-lived begins with one small high five (or even just a high three) at a time. Now let’s go win the rest of this day.

A Nod to Your Tiny Triumphs

Jodi Wellman

P.S.: The Tiny Triumph doodle is one of the 94 from my book, You Only Die Once: How to Make It to the End with No Regrets!

P.P.S.: Let’s do Instagram together.

P.P.P.S.: Oh and just in case you missed it… I’d love you forever if you took 16 minutes out of your life to watch my TEDx talk!


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