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You Only Die Once is the jolt that will bring you back to life, no near-death experience required. Full of practical takeaways and research-backed content, this book will motivate you to take action on the life you want to be living, acting like a defibrillator for the soul.

We’re all going to die, and we all know it.
We get about 4,000 weeks in our lives, and it's up to us how we spend them. How much life do we want in our lives?
“Memento Mori” translates to “remember you must die.”
“Death is very likely the single best invention of life” (so said Steve Jobs), and it's the number one motivator we have to live like we mean it—to live regret-free lives.

Let’s live wider and deeper—full of vitality and meaning.
The non-creepy contemplation of death can jolt us out of autopilot, and help us fall in love with our lives again. My research-backed programs can help.
If any of these statements sound all-too-familiar, you're in the right place:

I'm Jodi Wellman, and I have 1,768 Mondays left.
Other than wanting to be on the Great British Baking Show, I really just want people to die happy. Lest I sound unappealingly creepy, I should clarify that I want people to live happily, while cleverly beginning with the “big end” end in mind. That’s not so weird.

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